Massage Chair Technology Guide

Massage chairs have come a long way since their humble beginnings. From wooden contraptions with basic ball massagers to sophisticated high-tech marvels, the evolution of massage chair technology has been remarkable. Synca Wellness, in collaboration with FUJIIRYOKI, has been at the forefront of this transformation. Let’s explore the cutting-edge features that define Synca massage chairs.

Japanese Precision and Innovation

Japan is synonymous with precision engineering and innovation. Synca Wellness, a luxury health brand, continues this legacy by incorporating Japanese design principles and advanced technology into its massage chairs. Here’s a glimpse into the evolution of massage chair technology under the Synca Wellness brand:

4D and 5D Massage Robots

  • Synca JP1100 4D Massage Chair: This model features an unparalleled 4D Japanese massage experience. Its massage robot delivers human-like massages with three-directional movement. The neck and shoulder massage technology targets hard-to-reach areas, leaving users impressed. The rapid response massage head allows for customizable massages, setting it apart from other chairs on the market.

  • Synca JP3000 5D AI Massage Chair: The JP3000 takes it a step further with 5D AI technology. It analyzes biometric data during body scans, creating a 3D rendering of your body type. This information guides the massage chair to identify muscle tension areas and optimize the massage accordingly. Comprehensive stretching capabilities enhance the overall experience2.

Heat Therapy and Dual Heaters

  • Dual Therapeutic Heaters: The Synca JP1100 features dual therapeutic heaters. These heat pads warm up the muscles surrounding the spine and foot soles. Increased blood flow improves circulation, allowing the massage rollers to work effectively. Heating also loosens stiff muscles, enhancing the massage experience.

Customization and Adjustability

  • Power Stretch and Recline: The JP1100 offers customizable recline angles and a near 180-degree recline. Users can find their ideal position for relaxation and stretching. The flat position even mimics the perfect sleep quality posture.

  • Diverse Automatic Programs: Both the JP1100 and JP3000 come with diverse automatic massage programs. Whether you want a gentle Shiatsu reflexology foot massage or a deep tissue session, these chairs cater to your preferences.

World’s Most Precise Body Scan

  • The JP3000’s AI-controlled sensors predict your body shape with remarkable accuracy. It adjusts the massage intensity in real-time, targeting muscle tension areas effectively.

SL Track Technology

  • The Synca JP3000 incorporates an SL track—an upgraded version of S track and L track massage chairs. The SL track optimizes massage quality by following the natural curvature of your back and hips, delivering continuous massage.


Synca Wellness by FUJIIRYOKI continues to push the boundaries of massage chair technology. Whether you seek relaxation, pain relief, or overall well-being, these chairs offer a spa-like experience right in your home. With Japanese precision and cutting-edge features, Synca massage chairs redefine relaxation.

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