Jin 2.0 - 豪華加熱SL軌道零重力按摩椅

正常價格 $2,999.99
銷售價格 $3,499.99

顏色: 濃咖啡
  • 無銷售稅
  • 30天退款保證
  • 預計送達時間: 5-7 天(美國下游 48 州)。

  • 貨號: IMR0052-31NA
  • 條碼: 763165008167

Jin 2.0 - Deluxe Heated SL Track Zero Gravity Massage Chair - Synca Massage Chair
Jin 2.0 - 豪華加熱SL軌道零重力按摩椅
正常價格 $2,999.99
銷售價格 $3,499.99


使用 Inner Balance Jin 2.0 - 豪華加熱 SL 軌道零重力按摩椅體驗終極放鬆。這款豪華按摩椅配備了最新技術,為您提供全身按摩體驗。 SL 軌道設計遵循脊椎的自然曲線,確保針對所有正確區域進行深層組織按摩。零重力功能可將您的雙腿抬高到心臟上方,減輕脊椎的壓力,並實現更有效的按摩。


從 6 門自動課程中進行選擇,以滿足您的需求和偏好。為了獲得終極的放鬆體驗,這款按摩椅配備了藍牙揚聲器,讓您在放鬆時聆聽您最喜歡的音樂或引導冥想。

使用 Inner Balance Jin 2.0 - 豪華加熱 SL 軌道零重力按摩椅投資您的健康。憑藉其先進的功能和可自訂的選項,它是您家中的完美補充,為您提供豪華和治療性的按摩體驗。使用這款豪華按摩椅告別肌肉緊張,享受終極放鬆。

  • 零重力斜倚帶來終極放鬆- 使用這款帶有熱量的零重力按摩椅體驗失重的幸福和全身肌肉放鬆。享受科技與舒適完美融合的奢華療癒體驗。
  • 增強型 SL 軌道全身按摩- 使用我們帶加熱功能的 SL 軌道按摩椅體驗終極放鬆。它針對身體的所有部位,提供客製化的舒緩按摩,以緩解緊張並促進健康。使用這款必備椅子將您的家變成豪華水療中心。
  • 豪華加熱功能,帶來完全的舒適感- 使用我們的全身加熱按摩椅享受終極放鬆體驗。溫暖和壓縮共同作用,可以舒緩肌肉酸痛,為您的身體提供完全的舒適感。透過這項豪華功能放鬆身心並恢復活力。
  • 腰椎熱療可實現有針對性的緩解- 使用我們帶揚聲器的 SL 軌道按摩椅體驗終極放鬆。透過精確的熱療緩解下背部的緊張並舒緩肌肉酸痛。告別疼痛,迎接復興。
  • 6 個自動課程,提供客製化按摩體驗- 透過這款帶揚聲器的零重力按摩椅的先進功能體驗終極放鬆。從 6 個預設自動課程中進行選擇,享受個人化的恢復活力按摩療程。
  • 保固- 1 年上門服務、2 年零件、5 年框架 - 我們為您的豪華按摩椅提供全面保修,涵蓋 5 年上門服務、零件和框架,讓您高枕無憂。


How does the Zero Gravity feature benefit me during a massage session?

The Zero Gravity feature of the Jin 2.0 massage chair elevates your legs above your heart, reducing pressure on your spine and allowing for a deeper, more effective massage experience. This position promotes relaxation and enhances the overall effectiveness of the massage.

What is the significance of the SL Track design in the massage chair?

The SL Track design of the massage chair follows the natural curve of your spine, ensuring that the massage rollers target all the right areas along your back and lower body. This design provides a comprehensive and therapeutic full body massage experience.

How does the Deluxe Heated function enhance the massage experience?

The Deluxe Heated function of the massage chair provides warmth and compression to soothe sore muscles and promote relaxation. The lumbar heat therapy feature targets the lower back specifically, offering targeted relief and enhancing the overall comfort of the massage.

Can I customize my massage experience with the Jin 2.0 massage chair?

Yes, you can customize your massage experience with the Jin 2.0 massage chair. It offers 6 pre-set auto-courses that you can choose from based on your preferences and needs. This allows for a personalized and rejuvenating massage session tailored to your liking.

What warranty coverage is provided for the Inner Balance Jin 2.0 massage chair?

The Inner Balance Jin 2.0 massage chair comes with a comprehensive warranty that includes 1 year of in-home service, 2 years for parts, and 5 years for the frame. This warranty ensures that you can enjoy your massage chair with peace of mind and protection for years to come.







全美 48 個州均免費,您預計在 5 至 7 個工作天內在路邊收到您的物品。




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• 本保固僅適用於椅子的原始最終使用者/所有者且不可轉讓。
• 保固僅在美國和加拿大有效,前提是產品已按照隨附的說明進行操作。





