CirC 3 - 零重力 SL 軌道加熱按摩椅

正常價格 $2,299.99

顏色: 黑色
  • 無銷售稅
  • 30天退款保證
  • 預計送達時間: 5-7 天(美國下游 48 州)。

  • 貨號: SMR0068-08NA
  • 條碼: 850060225000


CirC 3 - Zero Gravity SL Track Heated Massage Chair - Synca Massage Chair
CirC 3 - 零重力 SL 軌道加熱按摩椅
正常價格 $2,299.99


我們所有人都應該得到放鬆和欣慰的時刻。這 CirC 3 經過 Synca Wellness 確切地說,繼續我們的精緻高級按摩椅的遺產,該椅子優先考慮空間效率,而不會損害按摩質量。憑藉其47.25英寸SL軌道軌道系統, CirC 3 從頸部到臀部,提供無縫的按摩體驗,以確保連續的舒緩感覺。

與我們相比 CirC+ 模型, CirC 3 得益於其矽膠按摩頭,提供肌肉中更溫和的按摩體驗。這些頭部穩定地觸摸,在強度和舒適性之間達到了完美的平衡。此外,椅子可通過可逆的奧斯曼帝國提供靈活性,並包括附加墊,使您可以根據自己的喜好調整按摩體驗。

而且 CirC 3 不僅僅是按摩;這也是放鬆的樞紐。連接您喜歡的藍牙設備,並在椅子上放鬆時沉迷一些音樂。而且,如果您不想做按摩,只需坐下來享受這一刻即可。

對於那些尋求治療益處的人 CirC 3 為臀部和犢牛提供壓縮按摩。此功能旨在增強血液流動並緩解肌肉的張力,並補充椅子機器人提供的輕柔按摩,該按摩的靶向從頸部到臀部。

自己發現為什麼Synca的 CirC 椅子贏得瞭如此受歡迎。體驗舒適,風格和復興的完美融合 CirC 3.

  • 緊湊的設計:我們的緊湊設計 Synca Wellness CirC 3 按摩椅使其很容易適合不同的家庭空間。再也不用擔心按摩椅佔用太多空間。通過無線遙控器進行加熱的按摩椅,經驗改善了生活質量,以便於方便使用。
  • 有效按摩:帶有運動檢測傳感器的SL軌道按摩椅可提供從脖子到大腿的全身深揉治療。它在您的家中舒適地提供專業按摩,非常適合背痛的人和尋求強烈按摩的人。
  • 加熱功能:我們的零重力按摩椅具有加熱功能,為您的腰部和腿提供了靶向的熱療法。這有助於舒緩肌肉酸痛,並改善血液循環,從而有助於真正恢復活力的體驗。對於尋求相當舒適的人們來說,這是一個完美的享受。
  • 零重力和4按摩手:我們的灰色按摩椅具有零重力功能,可以使肌肉放鬆更深地傾斜。另外,4按摩手技術還提供針對您需求的目標按摩,使其成為患有纖維肌痛的人的理想選擇。
  • 客戶服務和擔保:我們以出色的客戶服務為榮,並提供一項全面的1年保修,涵蓋了室內服務,零件和框架。通過我們值得信賴且可靠的灰色按摩椅和無線遙控器進行安心,以獲得舒適而舒緩的體驗。
  • 保修單:2年內服務,2年零件,2年框架 - 在我們的高級SL Track按摩椅上全面的2年保修享受安心,涵蓋在家服務,零件和框架。



What makes the CirC 3 Massage Chair stand out from other models?

The CirC 3 Massage Chair stands out with its 47.25-inch SL Track rail system that provides a seamless massage experience from the neck down to the glutes. It offers a gentler massage experience with silicone massage heads that strike the perfect balance between intensity and comfort. The chair also features a reversible ottoman and add-in pad for customizable massages and therapeutic benefits.

How does the CirC 3 Massage Chair enhance relaxation beyond massages?

Aside from massages, the CirC 3 doubles as a relaxation hub by allowing users to connect their favorite Bluetooth device for music enjoyment. The chair also provides compression massage for the hips and calves to enhance blood flow and relieve muscle tension. Users can also simply relax and unwind in the chair without engaging in a massage session.

What are the key features of the CirC 3 Massage Chair in terms of design and functionality?

The CirC 3 Massage Chair boasts a compact design that easily fits into various home spaces, ensuring it doesn't take up too much room. It offers a full-body, deep kneading therapeutic massage from the neck to the thigh with its SL track rail system. The heated function targets the lumbar and legs for heat therapy, soothing sore muscles and improving blood circulation. The chair's zero gravity feature and 4 Massage Hands technology provide personalized massages for enhanced relaxation.

What customer service and warranty guarantees come with the CirC 3 Massage Chair?

Customers can expect excellent customer service from Synca Wellness, along with a comprehensive 1-year warranty covering in-home service, parts, and the frame of the CirC 3 Massage Chair. Additionally, the chair comes with a 2-year warranty, ensuring peace of mind for users regarding maintenance and service needs.







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