Jin 2.0 - 豪华加热SL轨道零重力按摩椅

正常价格 $2,999.99
销售价格 $3,499.99

颜色: 浓咖啡
  • 无销售税
  • 30天退款保证
  • 预计交货时间: 5-7 天(美国本土 48 个州)。

  • 货号: IMR0052-31NA
  • 条码: 763165008167


Jin 2.0 - Deluxe Heated SL Track Zero Gravity Massage Chair - Synca Massage Chair
Jin 2.0 - 豪华加热SL轨道零重力按摩椅
正常价格 $2,999.99
销售价格 $3,499.99


使用 Inner Balance Jin 2.0 - 豪华加热 SL 轨道零重力按摩椅体验终极放松。这款豪华按摩椅配备了最新技术,为您提供全身按摩体验。 SL 轨道设计遵循脊柱的自然曲线,确保针对所有正确区域进行深层组织按摩。零重力功能可将您的双腿抬高到心脏上方,减轻脊柱的压力,并实现更有效的按摩。


从 6 门自动课程中进行选择,以满足您的需求和偏好。为了获得终极的放松体验,这款按摩椅配备了蓝牙扬声器,让您在放松时聆听您最喜欢的音乐或引导冥想。

使用 Inner Balance Jin 2.0 - 豪华加热 SL 轨道零重力按摩椅投资您的健康。凭借其先进的功能和可定制的选项,它是您家中的完美补充,为您提供豪华和治疗性的按摩体验。使用这款豪华按摩椅告别肌肉紧张,享受终极放松。

  • 零重力斜倚,终极放松- 使用这款带热量的零重力按摩椅体验失重的幸福和全身肌肉放松。享受技术与舒适完美融合的奢华治疗体验。
  • 增强型 SL 轨道全身按摩- 使用我们带加热功能的 SL 轨道按摩椅体验终极放松。它针对身体的所有部位,提供定制的舒缓按摩,以缓解紧张并促进健康。使用这款必备椅子将您的家变成豪华水疗中心。
  • 豪华加热功能,带来完全的舒适感- 使用我们的全身加热按摩椅享受终极放松体验。温暖和压缩共同作用,可以舒缓肌肉酸痛,为您的身体提供完全的舒适感。通过这一豪华功能放松身心并恢复活力。
  • 腰椎热疗可实现有针对性的缓解- 使用我们带扬声器的 SL 轨道按摩椅体验终极放松。通过精确的热疗缓解下背部的紧张并舒缓肌肉酸痛。告别疼痛,迎接复兴。
  • 6 个自动课程,提供定制按摩体验- 通过这款带扬声器的零重力按摩椅的先进功能体验终极放松。从 6 个预设自动课程中进行选择,享受个性化的恢复活力按摩疗程。
  • 保修- 1 年上门服务、2 年零件、5 年框架 - 我们为您的豪华按摩椅提供全面保修,涵盖 5 年上门服务、零件和框架,让您高枕无忧。


How does the Zero Gravity feature benefit me during a massage session?

The Zero Gravity feature of the Jin 2.0 massage chair elevates your legs above your heart, reducing pressure on your spine and allowing for a deeper, more effective massage experience. This position promotes relaxation and enhances the overall effectiveness of the massage.

What is the significance of the SL Track design in the massage chair?

The SL Track design of the massage chair follows the natural curve of your spine, ensuring that the massage rollers target all the right areas along your back and lower body. This design provides a comprehensive and therapeutic full body massage experience.

How does the Deluxe Heated function enhance the massage experience?

The Deluxe Heated function of the massage chair provides warmth and compression to soothe sore muscles and promote relaxation. The lumbar heat therapy feature targets the lower back specifically, offering targeted relief and enhancing the overall comfort of the massage.

Can I customize my massage experience with the Jin 2.0 massage chair?

Yes, you can customize your massage experience with the Jin 2.0 massage chair. It offers 6 pre-set auto-courses that you can choose from based on your preferences and needs. This allows for a personalized and rejuvenating massage session tailored to your liking.

What warranty coverage is provided for the Inner Balance Jin 2.0 massage chair?

The Inner Balance Jin 2.0 massage chair comes with a comprehensive warranty that includes 1 year of in-home service, 2 years for parts, and 5 years for the frame. This warranty ensures that you can enjoy your massage chair with peace of mind and protection for years to come.







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